The Colon & Rectal Clinic of Ft. Lauderdale

Colon Disease & Treatments

We exercise the most current technology on colon disease and minimally invasive procedures (MIP) in Ft. Lauderdale.

Just browse our website to learn more:

Office Preparation for Anal-Rectal Patients Only

We are pleased you have chosen our practice as your health care provider.  The following is a description of what you will need to do in preparation for your visit.

You will need two fleet enemas.

Fleet enemas can be purchased over the counter.  Please be sure to follow the instructions given on the package.

We appreciate your cooperation.  Proper preparation will ensure you receive a thorough exam and consultation.

We look forward to serving you!

Very Important: Consult your medical doctor to make sure it is alright to stop taking this medication.  Some preparations can be hazardous to your health.  You must confirm with the office that this is the preparation that you are to take.